Accessible Information
Your communication needs and preferences are extremely important to us, and we will always try our best to communicate with you, in a way you can understand. We may communicate with you in the following ways:
- Face to Face
- Telephone
- Video
- Online
- Text message
- Letter
If you need support from us to help our communication with you, please inform a member of our team so that we can record this in your medical notes. Ideas to help may include telling us:
- Your preferred method of contact
- If you need support in an appointment e.g., carer, chaperone, interpreter.
- If you have additional communication needs e.g., hearing aids, lip reading, sign language.
If we are made aware of any communication needs or support required, we could:
- Give you a longer appointment.
- Prioritise your call.
- Use language you find easier to understand.
Once we are aware of your communication needs, if you consent, we can work with NHS colleagues to make sure that they are also aware. If you are not happy for this, please let us know as we will not share without your consent.
Access to your Medical Records
The easiest way to access your medical records is online through:
- Your NHS account (through the NHS website or in the NHS App)
- Our GP online system: SystmOnline (registration required, available 24/7)
To find out more about viewing your GP health record through the NHS website.
Please note that sometimes, particularly when setting up a new account that you may only be able to see a limited amount of information. You can request through your online account to see your ‘full’ medical record which will send a request to the practice to action. This will only be from the date your account was set-up.
If you would like to access your medical record from a historical perspective, please see ‘Subject Access Request’ for more information.
If you would like access to another patients records, e.g., child, parent, relative, someone you care for, please see ‘Proxy (3rd Party) Access to Medical Records
Caring for someone can be difficult and many people find that they need extra help with the care they provide. Find out more about social care and support available through the NHS website.
Please let us know if you are a carer to a family member or friend e.g., someone who without your support would not be able to cope, using:
- PATCHS form (account registration required, available 24/7).
- Phone us on 01263 733693 or 01603 870271 and select option 2 to use our automated messaging service. Available 24/7.
- Phone us on 01263 733693 or 01603 870271 and select option 4 from the main menu to speak with a member of staff. Available 10am to 1pm & 2pm to 6.30pm.
- Visit either surgery to speak with a receptionist. Available 10am to 1pm & 2pm to 6.30pm.
This information will help us to support you as the carer and the patient receiving care. It will help us to identify the best way to communicate, may make you eligible for vaccinations and we can signpost you the relevant organisations for further help and support.
Carers UK is a national charity available to provide information, support, and signposting to the 5.7 million people who are caring for a loved one who is older, disabled or seriously ill. Their telephone Helpline is available on 0808 808 7777 from Monday to Friday, 9am – 6pm (including Bank Holidays).
If you need somebody to talk to or a listening ear, Samaritans is also available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on 116 123 or you can email
Find out more about benefits and financial support available to carers on the Government website.
Find out more regarding homecare services and support available to unpaid carers through the Caring Together Charity.
If you need support with any aspect as a carer, please contact us and request to see our Social Prescriber who can help with filling in forms, accessing support and/or be able to direct you to the most appropriate service.
Changing your Personal Details
It is important that your personal details are correct on your medical record as this links across multiple NHS organisations particularly if you are referred for further investigations and/or treatment. It is also important that we have up to date contact details for you so that we can be in touch when needed and within suitable time frames.
Please complete an ‘Update my Personal Details’ form to let us know of any changes.
Complaints, Compliments and Feedback
We try our best to run the practice smoothly and efficiently as possible. Your feedback is extremely important to us as it helps us to see what we are doing well and areas for improvement.
Please do let us know when we are getting things right or when we could do better:
Going well? Please share with us when things are going well via Healthwatch Norfolk – a local, independent and impartial, health and social care champion who actively supports the collection and sharing of feedback to improve standards of care.
Have a concern/complaint? We will always try to sort your concerns out quickly and easily for you and with the person concerned. Please contact us directly and ask to speak with the manager on duty. If we are unable to resolve your concern in this way and you wish to make a formal complaint, you should do so using our online complaint form or in writing to:
Wendy Dicks (Practice Manager)
Reepham & Aylsham Medical Practice
60 Hungate Street
Aylsham, Norfolk, NR11 6AA
Our aim in handling complaints is to see what has happened, why and what we can learn from this to improve.
If you are complaining on behalf of another person, we will need their written consent before being able to investigate or take any action.
Most complaints are resolved at a practice level, however, should you not feel this is the case or you do not feel able to complain directly to us, you can contact:
NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board
FAO Complaints Team
County Hall
Martineau Lane
The Health Service Ombudsman
Call: 0345 015 4033 (08:30 – 17:30, Monday to Friday)
If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome you may refer the matter to:
NHS England’s Customer Contact Centre
NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT
Call: 0300 311 2233
If you remain dissatisfied after contacting NHS England, you can address your concerns to:
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
Tel: 0345 0154033 (08:30-17:30 Monday to Friday) or you can contact them at
The Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS)
PO Box 140 43
Birmingham B6 9BL
Call: 0300 456 2370
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital
Colney Lane
Tel: 01603 289035
If you have a genuine concern about a staff member or a regulated activity carried out by the practice, then you can contact the Care Quality Commission on 03000 616161
Concern about Family Member or Friend
If you have concerns regarding a family member or friend, you can raise these concerns with us in the following way:
- Phone us on 01263 733693 or 01603 870271 and select option 4 from the main menu to speak with a member of staff. Available 10am to 1pm & 2pm to 6.30pm.
Please note that patient confidentiality will often prevent us from responding to you regarding any concerns or another person. We welcome you informing us if you are concerned as it may be helpful to the GP in the treatment and support, they are able to provide.
Digital Applications
There are multiple digital applications supporting you and us in navigating healthcare within the GP Practice. If you require any assistance with setting up accounts for any of the below, please call or visit us to ask how we can help.
A summary of each and where to register or get more information is given below:
NHS App (account required, available 24/7, must be 13yr+): A digital tool available on any smart phone through Google Play or Apple App Store. You can:
- Order repeat prescriptions
- Book/Cancel Appointments
- Manage referrals.
- View your health record including test results.
- Access other NHS services
- Register your organ donation preferences.
- Choose how the NHS uses your data.
- Access NHS 111 online
See ‘How to Register with the NHS App’ video.
Find more information on the NHS App with help and support available.
PATCHS (account required, available to use 24/7): an online consultation service that helps you communicate with us more quickly. Answer a few simple questions and we will respond to you by email, text message or via the NHS App. You can
- Submit a new/ongoing health problem 8am – 10am for a same day response
- Submit an admin request such as request a routine appointment (following an invitation), sick note and/or general advice / signposting to other services
SystmOnline (account required, available 24/7): Our GP online system where you can:
- Order repeat prescriptions
- Book/Cancel Appointments
- View your health record including test results.
Airmid (account required, available 24/7): App version of SystmOnline available on any smart phone through Google Play or Apple App Store.
Automated Telephone service (available to use 24/7): Phone us on 01263 733693 or 01603 870271 and select option 2 to:
- Book/Cancel appointments.
- Leave a message for one of the team to return your call.
- Order repeat prescriptions (PIN required, available from our dispensary team)
Please note, our preference is for you to use the NHS App due to its links with other NHS services and expected future developments. We are aware that currently this does not support proxy access if you and the 3rd party are registered at different GP practices.
Military Veterans
We are proud to be a Military Veteran friendly practice. Please inform the us if you are a Military Veteran so that we can update your medical record and provide appropriate support and guidance to you and your family.
The Armed Forces community should enjoy the same standard of, and access to healthcare as that received by any other UK citizen in the area they live. Family members should retain their place on any NHS waiting list, if moved around the UK due to the service person being posted.
Veterans should receive priority treatment for a condition which relates to their service, subject to clinical need. Those injured in service should be cared for in a way that reflects the nation’s moral obligation to them, by healthcare professionals who understand the Armed Forces culture.
Visit the Armed Forces Covenant website for more information.
Find more information on Healthcare for the armed forces community on the NHS website.
Named GP
All patients will be allocated a named GP at the point of registration. The named GP will:
- Take responsibility for ensuring you receive appropriate care at all times
- Work with associated healthcare professionals to deliver a multi-disciplinary approach to your health care needs.
- Ensure your healthcare needs are recognised and responded to by relevant health care professionals within the practice.
Your named GP:
- Is the same as your usual GP however, any patient can request to be seen by a health care professional of their choice and/or at either surgery site.
- May not always be available if your request is urgent and you may be cared for by another appropriate health care professional.
On occasion, we may need to change your named GP. This is usually due to:
- Change to GPs within the clinical team e.g., retirement
- To rationalise our total patient list fairly across all GPs to ensure full and appropriate oversight of care can be applied to all persons registered.
We make every effort to inform patients of their named GP. If you are not sure and/or would like to check this, please ask our administration team when you next call or visit the practice.
Patient Charter
You have the right to be involved in decisions made about your healthcare, be treated kindness, dignity, and respect. You have a right to complain (link to relevant section) if things do not go as you expect. In addition, we will:
- Provide urgent appointments with a GP or ANP on the same day.
- Offer a non-urgent appointment with a GP or ANP within 24hrs.
- See at least 80% of patients within twenty minutes of their appointment time.
- Answer your telephone call within six rings.
- Process your request for repeat medication within three working days.
- Be open, transparent, and as accessible as possible.
We expect from you, as the patient:
- Courtesy and respect towards our staff and other patients always
- To let us know when we are getting things right and/or could do better.
- To keep appointments or cancel within a reasonable time.
Find out more about the NHS Constitution for England which sets out rights for patients, public and staff within the NHS.
Patient Choice: Referrals
Patient Choice: Referrals – Reepham & Aylsham Medical Practice (
Patient Participation Group (PPG)
The aim of a PPG is to contribute to the continuous improvement of our service, improve patient/practice communications and provide practical support and help.
We are keen to re-establish our PPG. Contact will be mostly through surveys and questionnaires which will be sent ad-hoc via text message and/or email. If you are interested in being part of shaping the future of your surgery, please contact us via email (link to relevant section) to express your interest.
Patient Registration
Joining the Practice
We are using a new online service called Register with a GP Surgery that makes it easy to register with Reepham and Aylsham medical Practice.
Fill in this quick online form to start the process. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, identification, or an NHS number.
The service is designed and run by the NHS, so your personal information is safe.
Paper forms are available through the above link if you would prefer. Please complete and return via our practice email address or in person to either surgery.
On successful completion of registration, you will be allocated a Named GP. We will contact you following your online registration to confirm any additional details, book a New Patient Check (Adults only, urine specimen required) where we can discuss with you any on-going needs including medication.
Practice Boundary Map
Catchment Area
Temporary Registration
If you require immediately necessary treatment or health care when you are staying locally for a temporary period, please:
- Phone us on 01263 733693 or 01603 870271 and select option 4 from the main menu to speak with a member of staff.
- Visit either surgery to speak with a receptionist.
If your need is for repeat medication already prescribed by your registered GP, please contact them directly as they can send a prescription electronically to a local pharmacy for you to collect.
Leaving the Practice
If you move out of our boundary area you will be required to register at a practice closer to your new address within 28 days. Once you have registered elsewhere, this will automatically close your records with us and transfer them to your new practice.
Proxy Access (3rd Party) to Medical Records
We can give another person secure access to a patient’s GP records/services, so they can speak on their behalf and/or help them manage their health and care. This is sometimes called proxy or 3rd party access. You can ask to be a proxy, to help someone else with their prescriptions, appointments, or other GP services, or choose a proxy to help you with yours.
Find more information on ‘Accessing GP Services for someone else with proxy access’ on the NHS website.
We will only provide access to another patient’s records with their consent. Where a patient does not have the capacity to consent, evidence of lasting power of attorney (LPA) which has been registered with the Office of the Public Guardian is required.
Please be aware that we will assess every request for proxy access. Please complete and return to the practice a ‘3rd Party Consent Form Adult’ form to request access or fill the form online here. Where appropriate, we will seek to confirm the consent of the 3rd party or require a copy of the registered LPA.
Please note consent is not required to access records for those 12 years or under and where parental responsibility is held by the person making the request for access. Please contact us directly to request this.
Once patients reach 12 years of age, we assume they may have the capacity to make their own decisions. Therefore, an assessment is carried out in this situation for all requests to identify if proxy access should be granted and/or continue. If previous access has been given, this will stop once they reach 12 years, and a new application is required. Please complete and return to the practice a ‘3rd Party Consent Form 12-16yr’ form to request access or fill in the form online here.
It is possible to access another patient’s medical record online, however, please note that if you are not registered at the same practice as the other patient, this is not available on the NHS App currently.
If you are requesting access to records of a person now deceased, access will usually be granted where the request comes from a personal representative of the deceased who holds a role set out in law. Please contact us directly for this or any other questions regarding access to records.
Social Prescribing
Social prescribing connects people to community-based support, including activities and services that meet practical, social, and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing. This includes connecting people to statutory services for example housing, financial and welfare advice.
To request an appointment with our social prescriber, please contact us with an outline of your query and the support you are looking for. Don’t worry if you do not know this, we will still be able to see you and offer support.
Subject Access Request (SAR): Request for historical access to medical record
A request by a patient, or by a third party who has been authorised by the patient, for access under the GDPR (and DPA 2018) is called a Subject Access Request (SAR).
A SAR can be made using any format to the practice and will be considered on an individual basis. Our preference is for a Subject Access Request Form to be used to support us in locating the information you are requesting.
Your request will be actioned once it is received at the practice and within 28 days. We will notify you of any reasonable cause for delay. Where an application is declined, a reason will be given. In some circumstances, some parts of the record may be withheld, this will be clearly visible to the applicant.
Please note we are unable to meet requests for immediate access.
Young Persons
Any young person has the right to seek advice from a GP, ANP or other health professional on their own, with a friend and/or without a parent or other adult present/knowing about it.
We do not have the right to discuss your interaction with us without permission. We would encourage you to discuss things with a trusted adult where there may be difficult decisions to make.
When you are seen, the decision to offer you treatment will depend on how happy we are that you fully understand what this means, options have been considered and that you understand the risks or side effects involved. Being able to agree to treatment is not dependent on your age, more your understanding of what is being offered.
We have a duty of care to all young people and must make sure that you are safe and the decisions you are making or advice/treatment we are giving is in your best interests. If a health care professional is concerned that you may be in or putting others in danger, we have a duty to disclose that information, without consent, to the appropriate organisation to look into the situation further. We will try to discuss this with you and support you through this wherever possible.