As part of the commitment to more personalised care for patients, NHS Employers and the General Practitioners Committee of the British Medical Association have agreed that all patients will have a named accountable GP.
The named GP will:
- Take lead responsibility for ensuring that all appropriate services required under the contract with the practice are delivered to you.
- Where required, based on the professional judgement of the ‘named’ GP, work with relevant associated health and social care professionals to deliver a multidisciplinary care package that meets your needs.
- Ensure that your physical and psychological needs are recognised and responded to by the relevant clinicians in the practice.
- Ensure that patients over 75 years of age have access to a health check if requested, which is already a requirement of the GP contract regulations.
The practice will ensure that there is a named accountable GP assigned to each patient.
New patients will be allocated a GP at the time of registration.
Your named accountable GP will be the same as your usual GP however this does not affect your ability to see any GP of your choice as you currently do.
Your named GP will not be available at all times and if your needs are urgent, you may need to discuss them with an alternative doctor. All of your records are available to every GP in the surgery.
This notice applies to all of our patients including children.
We have made every effort to make patients aware of who their named GP is, however if you are unsure, please ask the receptionist team at the practice.